A while back
I posted info that Lamplighter was working on creating "Lamplighter Theater." Well, it is now here!
"For twenty years our Lamplighter team has eagerly anticipated the creation of Lamplighter Theatre Audio Drama. We have prayed and planned while waiting for the Lord’s perfect timing. The time has now come."
I can't tell you how incredibly excited I am about this, I greatly enjoy radio drama and I really enjoy Lamplighter's books! They officially started broadcasting to radio stations in Sept, so this is really new stuff. They do have one finished album/"book" entitled
"Sr. Malcom and the Missing Prince." Currently they are working on "
The Basket of Flowers."
Of course, I have some links where you can get more info:
- You can hear the first episodes on
this website. (I am assuming future episodes will be posted here though I'm not sure.)
- Lamplighter Radio Theatre
Official Website- Visit
the store
I found
a place online where you can listen to their weekly broadcast of new episodes. It plays on Mondays @ 6pm ET.
...and "one more thing," according to
this link, it looks like they might be venturing into the film making arena as well. I'll do my best to keep you posted!
Dude! That is awsome!I don't know where in the world you get all this information! I love Audiodramas too and now that I hardly have any time to read, I like them even more!
God Bless You Might Man!
Heh heh, I have my sources :P No, actually I just have a list of blogs I check on a regular basis.
I do the research so you don't have to and hopefully more people will hear about great Christian media! Pass it on :)
(thanks for the comment)
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