Former Vice President Al Gore is launching a $300 million, bipartisan campaign to try to push climate change higher on the nation’s political agenda. The campaign is being paid for in part with profits from Gore’s global-warming book and movie, “An Inconvenient Truth,” and with the prize money from his share of the Nobel Peace Prize, which he matched.
While “An Inconvenient Truth” urged viewers to fully inflate their car tires and to install compact fluorescent light bulbs to combat global warming, Gore said he is now focused on ensuring that the United States enacts a national carbon emission cap and ratifies a new global pact on climate change in the next three years.“The simple algorithm is this: It’s important to change the light bulbs, but it’s much more important to change the laws,” he said.
'Click Here' to see a great little video that offers a counter perspective.
This declaration was signed by many evangelistic leaders last year, a statement of what they believe the are the real problems with global warming- and which are not real problems.
Here, you can read a scientist's take on global warming.
RE: S.E.W.
Regardless of the your personal beliefs on global warming, I fail to see how adopting any of the recommended changes would be anything but good. Reduced energy use and less dependance upon oil would be great in every conceivable way, especially in the Christian area of good stewardship of resources. I just don't think that it matters the reason for doing these things, they make sense in the long term no matter what.
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