Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tips for Text

There is more to titles than typing words and picking a font. Spacing, caps, no caps, size, color...all contribute to the readability and attractiveness of a title! DVD covers, video titles, announcements, newsletters, birthday cards - these all involve creating text for your project.

I thought I knew quite a bit about text design...and then I saw this video. The tips and tricks are demonstrated using the font library from Digital Juice and the Digital Juice Juicer program, however the same techniques can be achieved using normal fonts in Photoshop or other text layout applications. These tips will help your text communicate better!

"Learn how to arrange your words so they are both legible and graphically strong. Once you know what you are trying to emphasize, these tricks will help you prioritize your text so that the viewer gets your message immediately."

Watch the tutorial. (12:31 min)

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