Friday, January 1, 2010

The Bravehearted Gospel

SYNOPSIS: The manly stuff is missing from modern day Christianity and this book is aimed at injecting it straight into the bloodstream of the believing life. With typical Eric Ludy candor and passion, this book will ignite your soul with the desire to fight for all that is sacred and all that is true. The Bravehearted Gospel is a field manual for everyone interested in upholding the integrity of the Word of God and the moorings of the ancient faith in these confusing times of post-modern emergence.

I got this book for Christmas and it has proven to be one of the best books that I've ever read. It addresses issues of post-modernism, the emergent church, the solidity of truth, and being willing to take world-shaking steps of faith. I like to call it, "the martyr's handbook." There is an abundance of truth and wisdom wrapped up in every chapter...every paragraph. If I took a highlighter to the book, about 3/4 or more would end up highlighted yellow! Bottom line, the book is highly recommended, if not a MUST read!

In my opinion this is the "Do Hard Things" book but for older ages.

"[A] reluctance to acknowledge truth to be truth and facts to be factual in no way alters the truth or the facts. But it does completely alter the way you interact with them, and therefore, the way you live your life." ~Eric Ludy

If you have any sense of the dire need for the Church to get back to the truth of the Gospel and show the world the Truth, Light and Power of Jesus Christ, this book is for you! It is convicting, it's humorous, but most importantly it has the guts to speak truth when most Christian writers won't.

Click Here for more information.

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