Monday, June 16, 2008

Pendragon Filming 7

Wow, it's been a while since I've updated. This past week we spent several nights filming the final sword fight in MI. Because of the recent rains the "swamp" we were shooting in ended up a mud pit, it was quite an adventure :) Nevertheless, I think we came out with some decent footage.

Thursday was an all night shoot and we left for MO on the packing still had to be done Friday morning :) Well...we were groggily hauling the heavy equipment out of the "swamp" when we received a phone call that a hail storm would be upon us in 20min!! We began running the heavy equipment up to the house. Fortunately it only rained and really not all that much but we still managed to get us and a lot of props wet :D

Finally we made it to MO..err...IL actually but we are filming in MO. Saturday we spent at the set (an old French fort site) cleaning up by cutting fallen limbs, picking weeds, sweeping, weed eating, hauling brush and picking more weeds. Good ol' hard work :)

Today I worked on finishing the edit of footage that we already have that is supposed to go with what we shoot this week. It's not looking too bad :) If you happen to think of the project this week, please take time to pray that we will be able to finish the scenes that we need to get this week!

I hope everyone out there is doing well!


Anonymous said...

Mud pit... LOL That's old hat to you, huh? ;-D

Glad it's going good. Will pray.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are having fun!!!!
Missin you!!
Your Sis,