- "In your own words, what it was like to work on Pendragon."
- "What resources have you found most helpful in learning how to make films and how to do it right?"
- "Could you tell us about some specific prayer requests that the Lord answered during the production of this film?"
- "What would you tell someone that is interested in making movies?"
Aaron Burns (excerpt)
"[Pendragon] almost started out as something we could do together as a family, and from that it grew. We were planning on being done in two years, writing the script one year, filming the next year, but just different things happened. Last December [2007] we saw the footage we had captured and we just prayed about it and felt that the Lord would want us to try to shoot for one more summer. So a total of four years, about fourteen weeks of shooting the entire project. And then we did the post production in about six or seven weeks."
You can read it here on GodHonoringMovies.com
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